biogas plants
Solution by industry for biogas plants
Environmentally friendly solutions for a world with clean water

Wastewater treatment and recycling for biogas plants

Biogas plants produce considerable surface water from silage and traffic areas that is highly contaminated with COD and nitrogen. Converted into population equivalents for wastewater treatment plants, add as comparative value the freight rates of the existing approx. 8,500 biogas plants across Germany amount to a total freight estimated at 8 million 10 million PE. The pollution loads of these surface waters represent an enormous risk for our receiving waters and our groundwater if the current practice of agricultural utilisation is continued.

ATB Water has set itself the goal of eliminating these loads cost-effectively by retrofitting aerators, using the collection basins that are usually already available, and thus protecting our groundwater without endangering the economic existence of the plant operators. The first reference plants are already in successful operation.

To the online calculation with our aquacalculatorpro

You can find our SBR wastewater treatment systems suitable for the industry >here<

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